Dead Man's Fingers: Alien Looking Fruit With a Surprising Flavor

Here at Wanderlust Nursery, we’re big fans of little-known edible fruits. Well it turns out so is Jared Rydelek, who is famous for his thorough fruit reviews on his YouTube channel, Weird Explorer. We sent Jared some fresh fruit from our Decaisnea fargesii, also known as Blue Sausage Tree or Dead Man’s Fingers, to see what he has to say about this unusual plant.

Watch the video here:

DEAD MAN'S FINGERS: Alien Looking Fruit With a Surprising Flavor

About Weird Explorer:

My name is Jared Rydelek. I am on a mission to find and taste every species of fruit in the world. In 2012 I decided to do something crazy: Document every fruit in the world! I didn't know it at the time, but there are over 70,000 edible species of fruit, so this is impossible. Still I am stubbornly trying to do it anyway and I am having the time of my life in the process. This series has brought me to over 40 countries, I've reviewed hundreds of fruits and there is no sign of it stopping!

Learn More:


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