Brazilian Bellflower
Abutilon megapotamicum
Brazilian Bellflower, also known as trailing abutilon or flowering maple, is a sprawling, semi-evergreen shrub native to Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay. While there are many species and varieties of flowering maple, Brazilian Bellflower is unique for its cascading branches, delicate foliage, and distinctive lantern-like flowers. The flowers feature yellow petals surrounded by a red calyx, and plants bloom profusely throughout the growing season.
Plants have a clambering habit and will grow about five feet high and wide in full sun. If the plant is shaded it may grow up through other plants like a vining liana, which frankly looks pretty neat. Brazilian Bellflower prefer full or part sun and appreciates regular watering. Surprisingly, this plant performs well in containers and hanging baskets, which seem to keep it more compact. One of the most cold hardy flowering maples.
Cold hardy to USDA Zone 7b or to 5 degrees Fahrenheit.
For sale are 1 quart potted plants