Fairy Fuchsia


Fuchsia x bacillaris

This diminutive Fuchsia is a natural hybrid of F. microphylla and F. thymifolia which occurs in the wild where the two species overlap in the mountains of southern Mexico. Often called Fairy Fuchsia, this precious plant has some of the smallest leaves and flowers of any Fuchsia with abundant cerise blossoms each reaching about half an inch long. What this tiny shrub lacks in size in makes up for in flower power, blooming profusely from late spring through fall.

Fairy Fuchsia makes a wonderful accent plant for garden borders, in containers, or as dramatic pairing to bold, broadleaf plants. Plants grow to reach three feet high and wide and prefer dappled sun and consistent moisture. Fairy Fuchsia is a relatively hardy Fuchsia, tolerating down to 20 degrees Fahrenheit, perhaps the roots a little lower if well-mulched.

Cold hardy to USDA zone 9a or to 20 degrees Fahrenheit.

For sale are 1 gallon potted plants

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