

Sarcomphalus mistol

Mistol is a little-known, semi-deciduous Jujube relative native to northern Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Peru. It is a popular fruit in Argentina where the one-inch, red-brown fruit is enjoyed fresh, sundried, or reduced into a traditional syrup called Arrope, which is used much like molasses. Mistol fruit is also often prepared as a flour or paste called Patay, which is used to make breads or as an ingredient in various regional recipes.

Mistol trees grow up to thirty feet in height, have short thorns that zig-zag along the branches, and are incredibly drought tolerant. Flowers are generally inconspicuous, small, and white. Plants appreciate full sun and good drainage.

Cold hardy to USDA Zone 9b or to 25 degrees Fahrenheit.

For sale are packets of 2 seeds.

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