Brazilian Needle Palm

Sale Price:$6.00 Original Price:$10.00

Trithrinax acanthacoma

The Brazilian Needle Palm is one of just three or four species in the genus Trithrinax which are all native to subtropical South America. Also known as the carandá or caranday palm, a name which is used for several unrelated palm trees, the Brazilian Needle Palm is native to southern Brazil and northern Paraguay where it is found growing in Araucaria forests at elevations between 2,000 and 3,000 feet above sea level. The fastest growing of the Trithrinax, this species is also the most ornamental with large, dramatic fan-shaped fronds that are dark green on top and waxy-white on the underside. 

This intriguing palm garners its name from its intimidating needles that grow along the trunk of the palm. While individual specimens in the wild are recorded to reach forty feet high, in cultivation the Brazilian Needle Palms are usually seen much smaller, often at about fifteen feet high. Plants prefer full sun and good drainage and are drought tolerant once established.

Cold hardy to USDA zone 9a and above, or to 20 degrees Fahrenheit.

For sale are packets of 10 dried seeds.

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