Giant Red Hot Poker

from $7.00

Kniphofia northiae

The Giant Red Hot Poker is an usual Aloe relative native to the temperate regions of South Africa. Growing to a whopping 5 feet in height and breadth, this species has much wider and longer leaves than other red hot pokers and has rosettes that resemble some kind of exotic bromeliad in appearance. In late spring, the Giant Red Hot Poker send up a single flower stalk from each rosette that earns this genus it’s common name, with gradating colors from red to yellow that give the bloosoms a fiery quality.

The Giant Red Hot Poker is easy to grow in mild winter climates, appreciating full sun and reliably moist but well-drained soils. For sale are seeds harvesting in July 2020, approximately 10 seeds per packet.

Cold hardy to zone 8a and above, or to approximately 10 degrees Fahrenheit.

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