Traveler's Palm


Ravenala madagascariensis

The Traveler’s Palm is a dramatic tropical plant known for its iconic form and striking appearance. The plant gets its name from the historical use of the cup-shaped leaf bases by travelers for carrying water. Despite its common name, the Traveler's Palm is not a true palm but is instead related to the “Bird of Paradise” flowers in the genus Strelitzia.

These regal plants have a dense plane of broad leaves fanning from long stems emerging from a central crown. Traveler’s Palms can carry more than thirty fronds at any time, with impressive leaves reaching more than ten feet in length. With time, old leaves fall and give way to reveal a smooth trunk that will grow to over thirty feet in height.

The plant is native to Madagascar where it is found in humid coastal regions with ample sunlight and high temperatures. It prefers tropical or subtropical climates and can withstand only light frosts. While adaptable to a range of soil types, a well-draining medium is essential for this species.

For sale are packets of 8 seeds (yes, they’re naturally blue!)

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